some useful bookmarklets
22 Aug 2010Live Bookmarklet
Each bookmarklet is a tiny program (a JavaScript application) contained in a bookmark (the URL is a “javascript:” URL) which can be saved and used the same way you use normal bookmarks.
Anyone should drag these links and drop them onto their bookmarks toolbar (IE is not recommended) and then use the bookmarklets in suitable pages.
I would like to note down some useful bookmarklets in my blog.
The info here was last updated on 2010-08-22.
If readers read this post in RSS Readers, the bookmarklets will not work. Please come to the original page to obtain the true bookmarklets.
highlight ;if ( text==null%20 %20text.length==0 ) return;dv=document.defaultView;function%20searchWithinNode ( node,%20te,%20len ){ var%20pos,%20skip,%20spannode,%20middlebit,%20endbit,%20middleclone;skip=0;if ( %20node.nodeType==3%20 ){ () .indexOf ( te ) ;if ( pos>=0 ){ spannode=document.createElement ( “SPAN” ) ;”yellow”;middlebit=node.splitText ( pos ) ;endbit=middlebit.splitText ( len ) ;middleclone=middlebit.cloneNode ( true ) ;spannode.appendChild ( middleclone ) ;middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild ( spannode,middlebit ) ;++count;skip=1; }} else%20if ( %20node.nodeType==1&&%20node.childNodes%20&&%20node.tagName.toUpperCase () !=”SCRIPT”%20&&%20node.tagName.toUpperCase!=”STYLE” ){ for%20 ( var%20child=0;%20child%20< %20node.childNodes.length;%20++child ){ child=child+searchWithinNode ( node.childNodes[child],%20te,%20len ) ; }} return%20skip; } window.status=”Searching%20for%20’“+text+”‘…“;searchWithinNode ( document.body,%20text.toUpperCase () ,%20text.length ) ;window.status=”Found%20”+count+”%20occurrence”+ ( count==1?””:”s” ) +”%20of%20’“+text+”’.”; })() ;)
highlight words (not IE)
highlight regexp ;if ( text==null%20 %20text.length==0 ) return;try { regexp=new%20RegExp ( “ ( “%20+%20text%20+” ) “,%20”i” ) ; } catch ( er ){ alert ( “Unable%20to%20create%20regular%20expression%20using%20text%20’“+text+”‘.nn”+er ) ;return; } function%20searchWithinNode ( node,%20re ){ var%20pos,%20skip,%20spannode,%20middlebit,%20endbit,%20middleclone;skip=0;if ( %20node.nodeType==3%20 ){ ( re ) ;if ( pos>=0 ){ spannode=document.createElement ( “SPAN” ) ;”yellow”;middlebit=node.splitText ( pos ) ;endbit=middlebit.splitText ( RegExp.$1.length ) ;middleclone=middlebit.cloneNode ( true ) ;spannode.appendChild ( middleclone ) ;middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild ( spannode,middlebit ) ;++count;skip=1; }} else%20if ( %20node.nodeType==1%20&&%20node.childNodes%20&&%20node.tagName.toUpperCase () !=”SCRIPT”%20&&%20node.tagName.toUpperCase!=”STYLE” ){ for%20 ( var%20child=0;%20child%20< %20node.childNodes.length;%20++child ){ child=child+searchWithinNode ( node.childNodes[child],%20re ) ; }} return%20skip; } window.status=”Searching%20for%20”+regexp+”…“;searchWithinNode ( document.body,%20regexp ) ;window.status=”Found%20”+count+”%20match”+ ( count==1?””:”es” ) +”%20for%20”+regexp+”.”; })() ;)
highlight regexp (not IE)
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