simple packaging and encryption using tar and gpg

How to package and encrypt files or folders easily using symmetry password in unix way? tar -> gzip -> gpg to rescue. Here is my quick note.

  • Every reader should use the command at the own risk.
  • No guarantee is given that the generated files are uncrackable or crackable using the command below.
  • Suggestion: always choose a strong password.
  • The code is released under GPL.

See these for references:

# packaging and encrytion
# you will be required to enter the password
tar -cz your_dir | gpg \
    --no-symkey-cache \
    --cipher-algo AES256 \
    --digest-algo sha256 \
    --cert-digest-algo sha256 \
    --compress-algo none -z 0 \
    --s2k-mode 3 \
    --s2k-digest-algo sha512 \
    --s2k-count 65011712 \
    --force-mdc \
    --quiet --no-greeting \
    --pinentry-mode=loopback \
    -o your_archive.tar.gz.gpg \

# decryption and de-packaging
# you will be required to provide the password
gpg -d your_archive.tar.gz.gpg | tar xz