Install Go programming language

The “Go” programming language is a new programming language coming from Google .  Its is primarily aimed towards system development .

The webside is .

We can download the web pages using the command:

[sourcecode language=”bash”]

wget -r -p -np -k


I installed it on my ubuntu 10.04 , i386 .

And any users in my computer should be able to run the program .


[sourcecode language=”bash”]
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev mercurial bison gcc libc6-dev ed make gawk
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt
mkdir /opt/go
sudo vim /etc/profile

add these at the last :

[sourcecode language=”text”]
export GOROOT=/opt/go
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=386
export PATH=/opt/go/bin:$PATH


[sourcecode language=”bash”]
source /etc/profile
hg clone -r release $GOROOT
cd $GOROOT/src
sudo chmod 755 /opt

These should be seen if ./all.bash goes well:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
— cd ../test
N known bugs; 0 unexpected bugs

Create a hello.go:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
cd ~
cat >hello.go «EOF
package main
import “fmt”
func main() {
fmt.Printf(“Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界n”)

and compile the file:

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
8g hello.go # compile; object goes into hello.8
8l hello.6 # link; output goes into 8.out
Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界

and update the releases the next time:

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
sudo chmod 777 /opt
cd $GOROOT/src
hg pull
hg update release
sudo chmod 755 /opt

Here is another turorial.