thinking about blogging

Such a long time since my last useful post. The resons vary: I am lazy, and I don’t konw what to write.
So it’s a post about the resons and the contents of the blog.

  1. Why I want to blog?
    Below are my answers. The same of others’ maybe.
1. Want to be famous. So many stories about a man who becomes famous and makes many friends because he writes a blog. At least they prove writing blogs a useful way to become famous and make many friends. So I want to blog too. Though it seems utilitarian, I admit that utilitarianism always promotes the success.

2. Share. Sharing is one of the nature of human beings. I am benefited a lot by the blogs in which the bloggers share their thinkings and researchs.

3. Make friends. It's interesting to get to know and make friend with one person from his blog.
  1. What to write?
1. Why I'd like to keep an English blog considering my coming from China? To promote my level of English, make friends internationally. And it seems cool :-) . I want to use the words from GRE, however, I am not so good at this time. But it's amazing that some people out of my country did search the keywords in English and come to my blog. BTW, all posts majorly in chinese have been tagged "Chinese".

2. My contents? I don't know exactly yet. Infact, "With The Fleeting Years" suggests "Stories and thoughts in fleeting years". However, there are so many different aspects in this title. :-( I try to follow the principles below: (1) Be useful to readers. It's most important. If the blog is "public visible", the blogger must want more and more readers, which exactly requires that the posts are useful. (2) NO pure diary. Refer to (1). Small things in a person's life is meaningless to another, unless there are some additional thoughts, depth, or beautiful pictures :-) . (3) NO pure copies&pastes.; Refer to (1). It's more suitable to share in Google Reader with "share" opinion. (4) Keep the posts easily understanding. Refer to (1).
  1. What next?
1. To my surprise, the "categories" is so good and suitable. So I will keep using the set categories in this blog.

2. I want to attract readers no matter reading in English or in Chinese. But I don't want to devide the blog in to /en and /zh. So for long posts later I'd like to provide both the English and Chinese editions (no differences except languages) in one blog. Maybe I will chage my opinion later.

3. I am interested in many asoects, which cause differents types of posts in my blog. I try to "fix" this "bug". However, at least, I try to guarantee the accuricy, and provide useful or information (to most people) which worths thinking in any posts of my blog.

That’s all.


  1. 为什么写博客?
1. 想出名。 显然,有很多很多人写博客而出名,写博客而认识了很多朋友。尽管他们一开始不是为了“出名”,但他们证明了,写博客是“出名&交友”的途径之一。我看了很多很多的博客,进而萌生了些博客的念头。尽管这个思想有某些功利化的方向,但功利化很多时候,是有效的通向行动的催化剂。

2. 分享。 分享是人类天性之一。或许基因决定了分享能有利于自身和社会的发展?我从很多分享自己思考和自己研究方面的介绍的博客受益匪浅。

3. 让别人认识自己,与别人交朋友。 细心的人能从别人的博客得到博主的性格,和其他个人方面的蛛丝马迹。尽管欣赏文字和欣赏个人毫无关系,但从博客介绍自己和认识别人不失为一件乐趣。
  1. 写什么?
1. 为什么我主要用英文写? 提升英文水平,想把影响推到“国际化”水平,装13。不过基本上我希望的没有怎么发生。我用的都是四六级单词,虽然想用 GRE 式的,可惜力不从心,功力不够;可喜的是,确实有些非中国人搜索英文而进了我的网站,得到有用资料;装13则不成功,因为事实上我的英文水平不够,以这个为目标的话,只能贻笑大方罢了。另外,所有中文博文都 tagged 了 “Chinese”,以此作为区分,那些都是与中文有特殊联系或是我不够水平翻译的文章。

2. 内容? 定位不精确,造成了现在的大杂烩。“流年物语”,定位自然是“生活中所思所想”,这样看来没有偏离,但实际上这个范围太虚了。唔......至少我尝试遵守以下原则: (1)对读者有益。 毫无疑问,这样才能最大程度挽留读者,没什么好说的。这是写“公开博客”的原因之一啊。自娱自乐固然可以,但也太无趣了,不想要读者的话不如写在记事本里,或者把网页设置加密。如果是公开的话,心里肯定想着让更多人读到。对读者没有好处的,他们很大可能不继续读下去。 (2)尽量不写纯diary。 参见第(1)条。一个人的琐屑对另一个人没有意义。至少,加一点思考,深度,或者美丽的图片。 (3)尽量不转载。 参见第(1)条。转载再加几句说明还不如在 Google Reader 中加 “share” 然后公布 share 的网址。转载过来的意义不大。翻译则不违反这原则。当然,针对某篇东西评论也不违反这原则。 (4)科普类深入浅出。技术类详细步骤。 参见第(1)条。
  1. 以后的博文?
1. 惊讶的是,我在建站时定下的 categories 到现在都适用。于是以后我会沿用这个目录分类。

2. 为了吸引同时使用英文和中文的人,但又不想分离站点,我决定以后的长文章尽量都有中英文版本(内容基本一样,简或繁体中文之一)。正如这一篇。为了保持和谐和延续最初设想,英文版在上方,中文版在下方。这一点或许以后会斟酌。以后还要研究一下排版。

3. 本人所学极杂,不可避免内容极杂。这个有待思考。我尽量保证,我的博文都提供了(对大部分人)有用的信息,读者读完都能获得思考和好处。
