Dual Thrust Trading
18 Dec 2013Dual Thrust is a very simple but seemly effective strategy in quantitative investment.
Attention: I am NOT responsible for ANY of your loss!
After the close of first day, let
m = max(FirstDayHighestPrice-FirstDayClosePrice, FirstDayClosePrice-FirstDayLowestPrice)
, then letSecondDayTrigger1 = m * k1
,SecondDayTrigger2 = m * k2
are called trigger values. -
In the second day, note down the
. Once the price is higher thanSecondDayOpenPrice + SecondDayTrigger1
, buy. And once the price is lower thanSecondDayOpenPrice - SecondDayTrigger2
, sell short. -
This system is a reversal system. Say, Once the price is higher than
SecondDayOpenPrice + SecondDayTrigger1
, and buy two shares if having a short shares. And once the price is lower thanSecondDayOpenPrice - SecondDayTrigger2
, short sell two shares if having a long share. (TODO: precise translation in English. 如果在价格超过(开盘+触发值1)时手头有一手空单,则买入两手。如果在价格低于(开盘-触发值2)时手上有一手多单,则卖出两手。)
This strategy is a super-easy one. It’s possible to build an automated trading system to do all the jobs. But of course there are some risks. For example, how to choose k1
and k2
and how they influence the result are not clear for me. Moreover, sometimes the stock runs vibrately, then the strategy will cause loss in the unexpected way. Last but not least, no stop-loss order is included in this strategy. It’s guessed (by me) that reducing k2
may stop loss to some extend.
If you want to reproduce the result or do some further research, you can download the min1_sh000300.csv
and some other data from this page .
And possible-updated code for this project is on Github . Of course forks and pull requests are welcome.
I choose the Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 Index (000300.SS) to run the simulation. I acquired min1_sh000300.csv
, the high frequency (every-minute-level) index price of CSI300 from 2010-01-01 to 2013-11-30, with some days lost.
There are some assumptions and limitations in the simulation. I assume I have 1,000,000 (one million) yuan cash available (WOW), and I cannot borrow shares more than those valued as 50% of one million. And I started to apply the strategy from 2010-01-01 to 2013-11-11. No market impact, no transaction cost.
All the below code requires these three libraries. Add these libraries accordingly firstly if you meet any troubles running code in this passage.
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
load the data
a = read.csv("min1_sh000300.csv")
## Stock Code Time Open High Low Close Volume Amount
## 1 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:31:00 3592 3597 3592 3596 1160765 1.555e+09
## 2 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:32:00 3595 3596 3592 3592 539317 7.652e+08
## 3 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:33:00 3593 3593 3589 3589 434880 6.097e+08
## 4 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:34:00 3588 3588 3586 3586 392227 5.727e+08
## 5 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:35:00 3587 3587 3586 3586 370230 5.236e+08
## 6 sh 300 2010-01-04 09:36:00 3587 3587 3586 3586 367130 5.186e+08
minutedata = read.zoo(a[, 3:9], FUN = ymd_hms)
## Open High Low Close Volume Amount
## 2010-01-04 09:31:00 3592 3597 3592 3596 1160765 1.555e+09
## 2010-01-04 09:32:00 3595 3596 3592 3592 539317 7.652e+08
## 2010-01-04 09:33:00 3593 3593 3589 3589 434880 6.097e+08
## 2010-01-04 09:34:00 3588 3588 3586 3586 392227 5.727e+08
## 2010-01-04 09:35:00 3587 3587 3586 3586 370230 5.236e+08
## 2010-01-04 09:36:00 3587 3587 3586 3586 367130 5.186e+08
generate the daily data
It’s quite strange that Google and Yahoo! do not provide the precise daily data of CSI300. So I have to generate the daily (low-frequency) data from the minutes data!
gendaydata <- function(minutedata){
alldaysdata = data.frame(Date=NULL, Open=NULL, High=NULL, Low=NULL, Close=NULL)
tmphigh = NULL
tmplow = NULL
tmpopen = NULL
tmpclose = NULL
for(i in 1:(nrow(minutedata)-1)){
tmpopen = c(tmpopen, minutedata[i]$Open)
tmphigh = c(tmphigh, minutedata[i]$High)
tmplow = c(tmplow, minutedata[i]$Low)
tmphigh = c(tmphigh, minutedata[i]$High)
tmplow = c(tmplow, minutedata[i]$Low)
tmpclose = minutedata[i]$Close
dayhigh = max(tmphigh)
daylow = min(tmplow)
dayopen = tmpopen[1]
dayclose = tmpclose[1]
daydate = as.character(index(minutedata)[i])
singledaydata = data.frame(Date=daydate, Open=dayopen, High=dayhigh, Low=daylow, Close=dayclose)
alldaysdata = rbind(alldaysdata, singledaydata)
tmphigh = NULL
tmplow = NULL
tmpopen = NULL
tmpclose = NULL
if(as.Date(index(minutedata)[i])==as.Date(index(minutedata)[i+1]) && i+1==nrow(minutedata)){
#tmpopen = c(tmpopen, minutedata[i]$Open) # not needed
#tmphigh = c(tmphigh, minutedata[i]$High) # not needed
#tmplow = c(tmplow, minutedata[i]$Low) # not needed
tmpclose = minutedata[i+1]$Close #tmpclose = minutedata[i]$Close # changed!!
dayhigh = max(tmphigh)
daylow = min(tmplow)
dayopen = tmpopen[1]
dayclose = tmpclose[1]
daydate = as.character(index(minutedata)[i])
singledaydata = data.frame(Date=daydate, Open=dayopen, High=dayhigh, Low=daylow, Close=dayclose)
alldaysdata = rbind(alldaysdata, singledaydata)
tmphigh = NULL
tmplow = NULL
tmpopen = NULL
tmpclose = NULL
Then I do this:
daydata = gendaydata(minutedata)
# requires a long long time!!
daydata = as.zoo(daydata[,2:5], as.Date(daydata[,1]))
# turn it into a zoo object
## Open High Low Close
## 2010-01-04 3592 3597 3535 3535
## 2010-01-05 3545 3577 3498 3564
## 2010-01-06 3559 3589 3541 3542
## 2010-01-07 3543 3559 3453 3471
## 2010-01-08 3457 3482 3427 3480
## 2010-01-11 3593 3594 3466 3482
Two situations are worth discussing: the first is that investors cannot sell short, and the second is that the investors can sell short.
For example, A-shares in China do not allow shorting. In other words, investors can “just sell all the shares they own”, but they cannot “borrow extra shares and sell them, and then return the shares to the lenders next time they buy the shares”. But when it comes to options stocks or funds stocks, they are allowed to sell short in China.
So at first I define this trading function, in which the investors cannot sell short:
starttradesimp <- function(minutedata, daydata, minutesinday=240, k1=0.5, k2=0.2, startmoney=1000000){
daydata$hmc = daydata$High - daydata$Close
daydata$cml = daydata$Close - daydata$Low
daydata$maxhmccml = (daydata$hmc + daydata$cml + abs(daydata$hmc - daydata$cml)) / 2
daydata$trigger1 = daydata$maxhmccml * k1
daydata$trigger2 = daydata$maxhmccml * k2
timevetor = c()
cashvetor = c()
stockassetvetor = c()
allvetor = cashvetor + stockassetvetor
cash = startmoney
hands = 0
stockasset = 0
for(i in 2:nrow(daydata)){
trigger1 = as.numeric(daydata$trigger1[i-1])
trigger2 = as.numeric(daydata$trigger2[i-1])
for(k in ((i-1)*minutesinday+1):(i*minutesinday)){
# access this day's minute data
if(as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open) > (as.numeric(daydata[i]$Open)+trigger1)){
# buy
thishands = cash %/% as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
cash = cash - thishands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
hands = thishands + hands
stockasset = hands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
} else if(as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open) < (as.numeric(daydata[i]$Open)-trigger2)){
# sell
cash = cash + hands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
hands = 0
stockasset = 0
} else{
stockasset = hands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
timevetor = c(timevetor, index(minutedata)[k])
cashvetor = c(cashvetor, cash)
stockassetvetor = c(stockassetvetor, stockasset)
allvetor = c(allvetor, cash+stockasset)
print(paste('i:', i, ', k:', k, ', cash:', cash, ', stockasset:', stockasset, ', ',index(minutedata)[k] ))
return(data.frame(time=as.POSIXct(timevetor, origin='1970-01-01', tz='UTC'), cash=cashvetor, stockasset=stockassetvetor, all=allvetor))
And the second function in which investors can sell short:
starttrade <- function(minutedata, daydata, minutesinday=240, k1=0.5, k2=0.2, startmoney=1000000, borrowed_rate = 0.5){
daydata$hmc = daydata$High - daydata$Close
daydata$cml = daydata$Close - daydata$Low
daydata$maxhmccml = (daydata$hmc + daydata$cml + abs(daydata$hmc - daydata$cml)) / 2
daydata$trigger1 = daydata$maxhmccml * k1
daydata$trigger2 = daydata$maxhmccml * k2
timevetor = c()
cashvetor = c()
stockassetvetor = c()
allvetor = cashvetor + stockassetvetor
cash = startmoney
hands = 0
stockasset = 0
borrowed_money = startmoney * borrowed_rate
borrowed_hands = 0
has_borrowed = FALSE
for(i in 2:nrow(daydata)){
trigger1 = as.numeric(daydata$trigger1[i-1])
trigger2 = as.numeric(daydata$trigger2[i-1])
for(k in ((i-1)*minutesinday+1):(i*minutesinday)){
# access this day's minute data
if(as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open) > (as.numeric(daydata[i]$Open)+trigger1)){
# buy
thishands = cash %/% as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
cash = cash - thishands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
hands = thishands + hands - borrowed_hands
stockasset = hands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
borrowed_hands = 0
has_borrowed = FALSE
} else if(as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open) < (as.numeric(daydata[i]$Open)-trigger2)){
# sell
borrowed_hands_this_time = borrowed_money %/% as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
has_borrowed = TRUE
} else{
borrowed_hands_this_time = 0
borrowed_hands = borrowed_hands + borrowed_hands_this_time
cash = cash + (borrowed_hands_this_time + hands) * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
hands = 0
stockasset = 0
} else{
stockasset = hands * as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
realcash = cash-borrowed_hands*as.numeric(minutedata[k]$Open)
timevetor = c(timevetor, index(minutedata)[k])
cashvetor = c(cashvetor, realcash)
stockassetvetor = c(stockassetvetor, stockasset)
allvetor = c(allvetor, realcash+stockasset)
print(paste('i: ', i, ' k: ', k, ' realcash: ', realcash, ' stockasset: ', stockasset, ' ',index(minutedata)[k] ))
return(data.frame(time=as.POSIXct(timevetor, origin='1970-01-01', tz='UTC'), realcash=cashvetor, stockasset=stockassetvetor, all=allvetor))
(Eww, complex enough…)
Both functions above accept the minutedata
and daydata
(generated before, zoo
objects), then pretend there is a smart investor who can observe the stock every minute. Once the prices reach the trigger values, the investor knows it’s time to sell or buy, then manipulates his/her assets accordingly. However, sometimes it’s time to sell, but the investor don’t have any shares in market, so he/she does nothing. Similarly, he/she does nothing if he/she doesn’t have enough cash even the “buy!” signal is sent. At last, the functions return the data.frame
objects reflecting the assets of the investor in every minute.
Next step. You may have to wait a night for these lines of code:
gen_trade_simp_result = starttradesimp(minutedata, daydata)
# verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!
gen_trade_result = starttrade(minutedata, daydata)
# verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!
## time cash stockasset all
## 1 2010-01-05 09:31:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 2 2010-01-05 09:32:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 3 2010-01-05 09:33:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 4 2010-01-05 09:34:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 5 2010-01-05 09:35:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 6 2010-01-05 09:36:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## time realcash stockasset all
## 1 2010-01-05 09:31:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 2 2010-01-05 09:32:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 3 2010-01-05 09:33:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 4 2010-01-05 09:34:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 5 2010-01-05 09:35:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
## 6 2010-01-05 09:36:00 1e+06 0 1e+06
Well, you probably know the structure of the result data.frame
s now.
Why not have a plot?
qplot(x = gen_trade_simp_result$time, y = gen_trade_simp_result$all)
qplot(x = gen_trade_result$time, y = gen_trade_result$all)
= = /// The results are very promising!!!!!!!!!!! Please analyze the pictures by yourselves, and check whether there is any error in my functions.
The results of simulations show that Dual Thrust is a very magic and efficient strategy in stock market. So… really? Of course not. First, I do not consider market impact and transaction cost. Second, I ignore the possibility of margin call. Third, you have to apply the strategy for a relatively long time. And so many factors influence the market, no strategy ensures profits.
One more thing: Huatai Securities releases two detailed and professonial reports (first one & second one) about Dual Thrust in Chinese.
Attention again: I am NOT responsible for ANY of your loss!